5 Things to Know About AAHOA This Month


A lawsuit alleging excessive fees charged to business owners by Visa and Mastercard has recently been settled. Businesses that accepted Visa and Mastercard credit cards from 2004 to 2019 could potentially receive a portion of a $5.54 billion settlement. Claims are due June 30, 2024. Learn more at AAHOA.com/Settlement.

stay on top of aahoa eventsSTAY ON TOP OF AAHOA EVENTS
AAHOACON24 may be in the rearview mirror, but AAHOA has lots of events coming up – from Charity Golf Tournaments to Town Halls to Hotel Owner Conferences & Trade Shows. Make sure you add these events to your calendar. Check them out at AAHOA.com/Calendar.

join aahoa officers at the annual nyu hospitality conferenceJOIN AAHOA OFFICERS AT THE ANNUAL NYU HOSPITALITY CONFERENCE
The NYU International Hospitality Industry Investment Conference is June 2-4 at the New York Marriott Marquis. The three-day conference features general sessions, workshops, and networking events to provide data, analysis, perspectives, insights, and opportunities. Join AAHOA Officers and leading lodging executives, investors, developers, analysts, and economists for an extraordinary program at hospitality’s hallmark annual conference in New York City. IHIFAmericas.com.

take advantage of member benefitsTAKE ADVANTAGE OF MEMBER BENEFITS
Are you taking full advantage of your AAHOA Member benefits? From events to vendor discounts to networking opportunities, AAHOA Members have access to a wide range of resources to help them professionally and personally. Take a look at AAHOA.com/Membership and make sure you are taking advantage of all AAHOA offers.

fair franchising updateFAIR FRANCHISING UPDATE
AAHOA recently updated Point 12 of the 12 Points of Fair Franchising to reflect the current industry landscape. This is in response to the several noted acquisitions and mergers of one or more hotel brands between Franchisors in recent years. Best practices related to Point 12 now recommend that each Franchise Agreement include a “Change of Control” clause to protect the Franchisees in the event of a purchase, sale, acquisition, or merger of one or more hotel brands between Franchisors. Learn more at bit.ly/3TV8N7d.


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