Getting involved with the AAHOA Political Action Committee

aahoa logoOver the years, AAHOA has aggressively cultivated relationships with elected officials in Washington, D.C., and in your state capital. In doing so, we have helped expand their knowledge about the importance of hotels to their communities and the economy at large. Thanks to you and your fellow AAHOA Members, AAHOA is now the foremost resource and advocate for America’s hotel owners. Engaging directly with your elected officials is one of the best ways to promote laws and policies that benefit our employees, our businesses, and our communities. As the industry continues down the road to recovery, the PAC helps AAHOA Members stay active and engaged in the political process.

The AAHOA PAC gives AAHOA the opportunity to advocate on behalf of its members on Capitol Hill and in state capitals across the country. AAHOA PAC would cease to exist without continual contributions and support from our members. All AAHOA Members are encouraged to become members of AAHOA PAC and attend AAHOA PAC events in their regions, as well as in Washington, D.C.


  • AAHOA Lifetime MembersA AHOA Lifetime Members can contribute any reimbursement they may receive from the 2022 AAHOA Convention & Trade Show registration fee to AAHOA’s political activities. Visit the AAHOA Booth at this year’s AAHOACON22 in Baltimore or email [email protected] to learn more.
  • AAHOA MembersEvery AAHOA Member is eligible to make a contribution to the AAHOA PAC. Log in to to get started.

365 FOR $365

AAHOA Members represent the strongest and most reputable voices of the hotel industry. One dollar a day from one hotelier can make all the difference! AAHOA’s 365 for $365 campaign calls upon AAHOA Members to pledge $1 a day for one year to advance the AAHOA PAC. PAC funds give AAHOA a seat at the decision-making table. The successes in Washington, D.C. are only possible because AAHOA and our members have strong relationships with public officials who understand and appreciate the importance of our industry to the American economy. PAC funding allows AAHOA to strengthen its existing political relationships and forge new partnerships with the political power brokers of the future.

I understand the purpose of AAHOA PAC and have been informed that all contributions are voluntary. All contributions to AAHOA PAC are for political purposes. I am free to give more or less than the suggested amounts or not at all without reprisal. I am a U.S. citizen or foreign citizen lawfully admitted for permanent U.S. residence. I understand that federal law requires AAHOA PAC to make its best effort to report to the Federal Election Commission the name, address, occupation, and name of the employer of the contributor and the date and contribution amount for each individual whose contribution exceeds $200 per calendar year. Contributions to AAHOA PAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.


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