AAHOA wins a Goldie Award for grassroots organizing


WASHINGTON, May 2, 2017 – The Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHOA) announced that it won a grassroots organizing award for the best email action alert campaign. The Goldie Awards recognize excellence and innovation across the spectrum of political campaigns, issue advocacy and grassroots organizing. The annual award program is judged by political and organizing professionals and spans dozens of categories in political campaigns and grassroots activism.

Chip Rogers, AAHOA president and CEO, said the award is the result of unprecedented engagement by the association’s membership.

“Hotel owners are more engaged in the political process than ever before, and their energy and enthusiasm for making a difference for the hospitality industry was the reason why we won this award,” Rogers said. The email campaign generated more than 26,000 messages to congressional offices.

Rogers added that AAHOA staff members worked over the course of weeks to lay a foundation of knowledge for members and leaders of the association on the issue, so when it came time to contact lawmakers, they already knew all about the topic and what legislative steps were needed.

“The lesson we learned from the entire campaign is that once your stakeholders know the ins and outs of the issue, asking them to take action is the easiest step. The base of knowledge was essential,” Rogers said.

The Goldie Awards is organized by Peer Choice Awards in partnership with the Grassroots Professional Network.

For more information, contact Brandon VerVelde, 202-507-6187, [email protected]

Founded in 1989, AAHOA (www.aahoa.com) is the largest hotel owners association in the world, with more than 16,500 small business owner-members. AAHOA members own almost one in every two hotels in the United States.


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