AAHOA statement on Human Trafficking Awareness Day


ATLANTA, Ga, Jan. 11 – AAHOA President and CEO Chip Rogers issued the following
statement on Human Trafficking Awareness Day:

“Human trafficking is a crime that affects every community across the nation and brings misery
and suffering to countless victims. Far too often, it is a crime committed in plain sight.
Regrettably, identifying the signs of trafficking can be difficult, but there is hope. As more
hoteliers and their employees take human trafficking awareness training and understand what
trafficking is and what it looks like, they are stepping up efforts to combat it at their hotels.

“As AAHOA works to educate hoteliers about identifying and stopping human trafficking, we
are proud to partner with anti-trafficking organizations such as Businesses Ending Slavery and
Trafficking (BEST) and Polaris, as well as the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue
Campaign. Thousands of AAHOA members and their employees have taken AAHOA’s free
online Human Trafficking Awareness Training and are making their front desks the front line in
the fight against this heartbreaking exploitation. America’s hoteliers stand with victims, law
enforcement, and allies, not only today on Human Trafficking Awareness Day, but every day as
we remain ever vigilant and committed to ending this despicable practice,” said Rogers.

For more information about AAHOA’s efforts to combat human trafficking, please visit


About AAHOA:
AAHOA is the largest hotel owners association in the world. The over 18,500 AAHOA members
own almost one in every two hotels in the United States. With billions of dollars in property
assets and hundreds of thousands of employees, AAHOA members are core economic
contributors in virtually every community. AAHOA is a proud defender of free enterprise and the
foremost current-day example of realizing the American dream.


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