Legislative Efforts to Curb Sexual Harassment in the Hospitality Industry Finally Reach Fruition in Illinois


Source: The National Law Review
By Carly Baratt
August 12, 2019

Earlier this year, we reported legislative efforts in Illinois to curb sexual harassment in the hospitality industry via Illinois House Bill 3551, which would require restaurants to adopt a sexual harassment policy and provide training to all employees.  While that bill appears to have stalled in the House, similar requirements appear in Illinois Senate Bill 75 (titled the “Workplace Transparency Act”), which, after sitting on the Governor Pritzker’s desk for several months, was finally signed by Governor Pritzker on August 9, 2019.

Section 2-110 of the Workplace Transparency Act requires everyrestaurant and bar operating in Illinois, regardless of its size or number of employees, to adopt and provide to all employees, within one week of hire, a sexual harassment policy (in English and Spanish) containing the following:

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