Support for Visit Florida and encouraging tourism


Common Ground profiles members of opposing parties who are working together to advance issues important to hoteliers.

For more than 22 years, the Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Campaign Corporation, the entity behind the well-known Visit Florida campaign, has promoted the state to travelers across the United States and around the world. The state continues to post record tourism numbers, thanks in large part to this successful program. More than 1.4 million Floridians work in hospitality, and visitors have a significant impact on the state’s economy. In addition to its extensive marketing plan, Visit Florida also works with local businesses and tourism councils to market themselves using grant programs. The program returns $2.51 to taxpayers for every tourist dollar spent. Unfortunately, the Corporation is set for repeal on July 1, 2020 unless the legislature acts

Visit Florida enjoys strong bipartisan support, and Democratic and Republican lawmakers in the Florida House and Senate introduced legislation (HB 213 & SB 362) that would extend the Corporation through 2028.

Sponsors and cosponsors of the legislation

Sen. Ed Hopper (R-16)

Sen. Linda Stewart (D-13)

Sen. Gayle Harrell (R-25)

Sen. Dennis Baxley (D-12)

Sen. Victor M. Torres, Jr. (D-15)

Sen. David Simmons (R-9)

Rep. Mel Ponder (R-4)

Rep. Loranne Ausley (D-9)

Rep. Javier E. Fernandez (D-114)

Rep. Delores D. “D” Hogan Johnson (D-84)

Rep. Cindy Polo (D-103)

Rep. David Santiago (R-27)

Rep. Charlie Stone (R-22)

Rep. Jennifer Necole Webb (D-69)


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